Serving Western MA, Springfield, Northampton and Amherst, MA, Brattleboro, VT, and the Pioneer Valley, with telephone counseling, nation-wide, LifeCourse Counseling Center, and all its therapists, affirm all sexual orientations and gender identities, and celebrate the rich diversity that exists among people of all ethnic, racial and class backgrounds.

LifeCourse Counseling Center accepts PPO insurance only, not HMO insurance.   If you have to chose a provider from a lists of therapists, more than likely, we cannot accept that.  We do not accept Mass Health or Medicare.  Insurance companies do not pay for telephone or webcam services .

After more than thirty years of accepting several HMO insurances, our therapists have decided to stop accepting them. While it is regrettable that this limits who can receive services, we want you to understand that the insurance world has become complicated.  The insurance company’s goals are symptom reduction and quick fixes, not healing.

HMO insurance plans require therapists to write reports and plan the “termination” after only a few visits. These reports do not ask about the person as a unique individual. They only ask about symptoms, requiring us to rate you on a scale of general functioning and asking us to list behavioral goals for your therapy (not necessarily the goals that are your goals!).

These reports do not allow us our therapists to present a picture of you and what you perceive as your issues, nor the hopes and things for which you strive. Also, typically HMO insurances offer a very limited number of visits unless you are given a strong diagnoses. At LifeCourse, we are more concerned with healing and giving each unique individual what they need, rather than a prescribed number of visits.

If you have the option, you may be able to choose an insurance plan where you can pick your own provider, not one from a list the insurance company provides. Usually there is a deductible and sometimes the co-payments are higher. But in the long run we find that clients get more from their insurance company, usually because more sessions are allowed and are not “managed” as much.

We like non-HMO insurances also because they give people much more flexibility in choosing other doctors as well.

Call or email us for more information or to set up an appointment.