Being a parent, engaging in this unique and awesome relationship is one of the most challenging and hopefully joyful experiences of life. Bringing new life into this world, then helping shape and support that life, is unlike anything else. Most parents rely on their values and beliefs as they begin this daunting process. Nothing really can prepare someone for all the challenges and unpredictability parenting guarantees.
All parents generally do what they think is the best for their child. Despite this, there will be times when a parent does there best and their child still struggles, acts out, argues, tantrums, or flounders. Along with that torrent, parents may find themselves right along side their child, struggling. A good parent at times may feel, guilty, incompetent, powerless or enraged. In time, with patience, careful thought and care, the conflict hopefully subsides or resolves. There may be times, however, that parents find themselves unable to manage circumstances with their child/children.
All intimate relationships will help us find those places in ourselves that are not as yet fully resolved. There are old hurts, insecurities or self doubts. Being a parent will touch those same exposed nerves! Any parent from time to time will do well in seeking outside help and support.
Counseling is one avenue. Talking to a therapist experienced in family dynamics can help a parent not only understand where the child is stuck, but where he/she and the relationship is as well. All parents have times of difficulty with their children. If over time these problems do not improve therapy is an excellent source of support and help.